Our school is located in the southeast Hertfordshire town of Cheshunt and serves an area of mixed private and local authority houses. It shares a site with Lottie’s Pre-school, Brookland Junior School and Haileybury Turnford Secondary School. The majority of our children transfer to the Junior School at the end of Year 2.
Our school is a three form entry Infant and Nursery school, catering for children between the ages of 3 and 7 years old. We share a site with the linked junior school (Brookland Junior School) who offer wrap around care, Haileybury-Turnford Secondary School and Lottie’s, a private pre-school that leases a building from the infant school. Lotties can offer some 30 hour places to eligible parents.
We have a good reputation in the local area and are usually at, or close to capacity.
We buy into a partnership with a local charity called CHEXs to provide a wide range of support and services to our families, including parent workshops, parenting courses, counselling and health.
We have introduced a Montessori style approach to the Nursery and this systematic approach to learning suits the needs of the children who benefit from a calm and well-structured approach. We have also now introduced this approach in our reception classes.
Introduction of Forest School sessions for all of our children in our own Elmwood Forest has enhanced the curriculum. These sessions are led by a Level 3 Forest School Specialist.
We now employ a sports specialist who delivers high quality PE across the whole school. We have a well resourced PE/Sport curriculum with all children having access to a range of sports and activities during the school day and through after school clubs. PE and sport is delivered inside in our school hall and also outside now that we have had our multi use games area installed (MUGA).