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Our Team

Headteacher Mrs Alison Atkinson
Deputy Head/SENDCo Miss Kathryn Mitchell
Business Manager Mrs Kelly Mehmet
Year 2 Lead / EY Lead Miss Louise Jones
Year Reception Lead Mrs Emily Cully
Year 1 Lead Mrs Lucy Walton
Premises Manager Mr Kevin Pritchard
Cleaner-in-Charge Ms Jenny Fitzgerald

Classroom Staff

Year Class Teacher Teaching Assistant (TAs)
Year 2 Maple Miss Helen Bevis Mr Jack Ferris
Hazel Miss Louise Jones Miss Michelle Cross
Oak Miss Yasmin Earley Mrs Rita Inzalaco
Year 1



Ash Mrs Laoura Tiritanou Mrs Lucy Lamey
Beech Miss Michele Morgan Mrs Caroline Hanna
Reception Holly Mrs Paula Wills Mrs Zoe Kharsa
Mulberry Mrs Emily Cully / Mrs Sue Williams Mrs Sue Williams
Mrs Wendy Pinnell
Nursery Cherry Mrs Ioana Stoica Miss Sandra Heathorn
Miss Hayley Kinsella
Mrs Mary Walsh

From September 2005 all teachers were eligible for 10% Planning, Preparation and Assessment (PPA) time. This means that for at least half a day every week each class will be taught by somebody else.

Support Staff

Teaching Assistants
(working across year groups)
Mrs Wendy Pinnell (Reception)
Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) Mrs Natalie O’Brien
Mrs Rosa Ingrao
Mrs Mairead Huckstep
Mrs Claire Sorce                                                                          Miss Maddison Fitzgerald                                                    Mrs Debbie Jennings                                                              Miss Yesim Korcelik
P  E GC Sports Ltd
Office Mrs Kelly Mehmet
Mrs Jacquie Korcelik                                                              Ms Aleasha Pearce
Cleaners Ms Jenny Fitzgerald
Mrs Anna Capocci
Midday Supervisory Assistants (MSAs) Mrs Louise Taylor
Mrs Michelle Jeffreys (3 days)
Mrs Mary Walsh
Mrs Caroline Hanna
Mr Jack Ferris                                                                            Mrs Lucy Lamey
Mrs Julie Woodthorpe
Mrs Vickie Reeves
Mrs Nicky Jemal
Breakfast & After-School Club Lulu’s Pre-School
Hertfordshire Catering Staff Cook – Mrs Anna Capocci
+ 3 General Assistants

Leader Roles 2023/2024

Area of Responsibility Leader
Headteacher / Student Placements / Performance Management / Assessment / Computing / PSHE Alison Atkinson
Deputy Head / SENCo / Maths Kathryn Mitchell
English – Writing and Spelling/Wellbeing Emily Cully
English – Reading and Phonics Helen Bevis
Early Years Lead / Year 2 Lead/Music Louise Jones
Science Laoura Tiritanou
Y1 Lead Lucy Walton
DT and Art Michele Morgan
PE Senior Leadership Team
History and Geography Paula Wills
RE Ioana Stoica
Outdoor Learning – early years Sandy Heathorn